CCFH-202 Certification Practice & Updated CCFH-202 Dumps

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The CrowdStrike CCFH-202 exam material is getting updated on a daily basis according to the real CrowdStrike CCFH-202 exam questions so that the students don't face any issues while preparing themselves for the CrowdStrike Certified Falcon Hunter (CCFH-202) certification exam and pass it with ease. We guarantee our customers that they will pass CCFH-202 exam on the first try with our given CCFH-202 exam material.

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>> CCFH-202 Certification Practice <<

Updated CrowdStrike CCFH-202 Dumps | CCFH-202 Practice Test

Our web-based practice exam software is an online version of the CrowdStrike CCFH-202 practice test. It is also quite useful for instances when you have internet access and spare time for study. To study and pass the CrowdStrike CCFH-202 certification exam on the first attempt, our web-based CrowdStrike CCFH-202 Practice Test software is your best option. You will go through CrowdStrike CCFH-202 mock exams and will see for yourself the difference in your preparation.

CrowdStrike CCFH-202 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic 1
  • Convert and format Unix times to UTC-readable time
  • Evaluate information for reliability, validity and relevance for use in the process of elimination
Topic 2
  • Utilize the MITRE ATT&CK Framework to model threat actor behaviors
  • Explain what information a bulk (Destination) IP search provides
Topic 3
  • Locate built-in Hunting reports and explain what they provide
  • Identify alternative analytical interpretations to minimize and reduce false positives
Topic 4
  • From the Statistics tab, use the left click filters to refine your search
  • Explain what the “join” command does and how it can be used to join disparate queries
Topic 5
  • Identify the vulnerability exploited from an initial attack vector
  • Explain what information is in the Events Data Dictionary
Topic 6
  • Explain what information a Hash Execution Search provides
  • Explain what information a Bulk Domain Search provides
Topic 7
  • Explain what information is in the Hunting & Investigation Guide
  • Differentiate testing, DevOps or general user activity from adversary behavior
Topic 8
  • Explain what information a Mac Sensor Report will provide
  • Conduct hypothesis and hunting lead generation to prove them out using Falcon tools

CrowdStrike Certified Falcon Hunter Sample Questions (Q36-Q41):

Which of the following is an example of a Falcon threat hunting lead?

  • A. A help desk ticket for a user clicking on a link in an email causing their machine to become unresponsive and have high CPU usage
  • B. An external report describing a unique 5 character file extension for ransomware encrypted files
  • C. A routine threat hunt query showing process executions of single letter filename (e.g., a.exe) from temporary directories
  • D. Security appliance logs showing potentially bad traffic to an unknown external IP address

Answer: C

A Falcon threat hunting lead is a piece of information that can be used to initiate or guide a threat hunting activity within the Falcon platform. A routine threat hunt query showing process executions of single letter filename (e.g., a.exe) from temporary directories is an example of a Falcon threat hunting lead, as it can indicate potential malicious activity that can be further investigated using Falcon data and features. Security appliance logs, help desk tickets, and external reports are not examples of Falcon threat hunting leads, as they are not directly related to the Falcon platform or data.

Event Search data is recorded with which time zone?

  • A. GMT
  • B. UTC
  • C. EST
  • D. PST

Answer: B

Event Search data is recorded with UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone. UTC is a standard time zone that is used as a reference point for other time zones. PST (Pacific Standard Time), GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), and EST (Eastern Standard Time) are not the time zones that Event Search data is recorded with.

What Investigate tool would you use to allow an analyst to view all events for a specific host?

  • A. Host Timeline
  • B. Process Timeline
  • C. Bulk Timeline
  • D. Host Search

Answer: A

The Host Timeline is the Investigate tool that you would use to allow an analyst to view all events for a specific host. The Host Timeline shows a graphical representation of all events that occurred on a host within a specified time range. It allows an analyst to zoom in and out, filter by event type or name, and drill down into event details. The Bulk Timeline, the Host Search, and the Process Timeline are not Investigate tools that you would use to view all events for a specific host.

When exporting the results of the following event search, what data is saved in the exported file (assuming Verbose Mode)? event_simpleName=*Written | stats count by ComputerName

  • A. The text of the query
  • B. No data Results can only be exported when the "table" command is used
  • C. The results of the Statistics tab
  • D. All events in the Events tab

Answer: C

When exporting the results of an event search, the data that is saved in the exported file depends on the mode and the tab that is selected. In this case, the mode is Verbose and the tab is Statistics, as indicated by the stats command. Therefore, the data that is saved in the exported file is the results of the Statistics tab, which shows the count of events by ComputerName. The text of the query, all events in the Events tab, and no data are not correct answers.

Which SPL (Splunk) field name can be used to automatically convert Unix times (Epoch) to UTC readable time within the Flacon Event Search?

  • A. conv_time
  • B. utc_time
  • C. _time
  • D. time

Answer: C

_time is the SPL (Splunk) field name that can be used to automatically convert Unix times (Epoch) to UTC readable time within the Falcon Event Search. It is a default field that shows the timestamp of each event in a human-readable format. utc_time, conv_time, and time are not valid SPL field names for converting Unix times to UTC readable time.


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